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Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
In Spirit and Truth
October 29
In Spirit and Truth
Jesus goes out of his way to make sure he is at a specific well at a specific time to meet a specific woman. He chose her to reveal himself publicly for the first time. Why? They have a lengthy discussion about worship where he says that worship is not about place but about the heart. Worship is about spirit and truth, not about logistics of time, place, and style. How might his teaching still resonate with us today? But only when he specifically tells her about her past does she come to believe. What is it that leads us to believe?
Reflection Question: What was the significance of Jesus revealing his identity for the first time to a Samaritan woman? Why do you think he chose her? In what ways does their conversation about worship influence your thoughts about worship today? Have you ever been as excited as that woman to tell others about Jesus? If Jesus told you “everything that you have ever done,” what would he say to you?