King's Grant Presbyterian


Our Ministry Teams

Worship Ministry Team

This ministry team is responsible for all aspects of the worship life of the church. Working with the Pastor, this Ministry not only coordinates the details of the Sunday service, but plans and executes special worship opportunities throughout the year. It is the responsibility of the Worship Ministry to enable you to experience and grow in your relationship with God.

Serve Ministry Team

This ministry team is the mission arm of the church. The effectiveness of Serve depends upon the financial support and personal involvement of everyone.  Christ has challenged us to make a difference in the world and to bring His hope to all those in need through outreach.  Our congregation supports many local and global missions financially.  Sometimes our support comes in the form of rolling up our sleeves and lending a helping hand.  Both youth and adults are involved in local and global mission opportunities

Connect Ministry Team

This ministry team’s job is to connect KGPC to the community. Connect Ministry develops programs to reach out into the community, inviting them to join with us in fellowship and work in His name.  

Grow Ministry Team

This ministry team is responsible for the faith formation of the church. It plans faith formation curriculum for children, youth, and adults, and sponsors special learning opportunities.  It provides the environment in which faith in the Triune God is nurtured and maintained.  We want all our members to discover the joys of Biblical knowledge so they will seek to grow in faith through the study of scripture and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Care Ministry Team

This ministry team is a group of compassionate people who make sure KGPC cares for itself. Care organizes and sets up fellowship events, has a bereavement committee that comforts those who have lost loved ones in their hour of need, and through King’s Neighborhood, connects us with the church when we can’t get there.  Opportunities to love one another are limitless.

Equip Ministry Teams

These ministry teams consist of three entities that manage the financial, maintenance and personnel of the church.

Personnel Team

Personnel Team in a Presbyterian Church (USA) acts on behalf of Session in conjunction with the pastor to uphold all personnel policies of all staff of the church and to make sure Session, legal, and Presbyterian processes and policies regarding all staff are followed. Staff is defined as all persons, both paid and unpaid, who have job descriptions and regular evaluations. A Personnel Team will have a team leader as a contact person who will call meetings on a regular basis to conduct the business at hand.

Property Team

Manages the property of the church, including the appropriate use of the building and grounds.  They maintain a program to care for the grounds and schedule work days for the congregation to participate in landscape management.

Finance Team

Charge by the Presbyterian Church Book of Order to “challenge the people of God with the privilege of responsible Christian stewardship.” 

The team is responsible for maintaining all records relating to receiving, recording, preparing all financial records in accordance with general accepted accounting practices.  There are monthly meetings to review the current financial statements and follow through with the financial goals and objectives.