King's Grant Presbyterian

Come to the Table
Easter Worship Series

In this Easter season series we hear the call to dine with Jesus — an invitation that means much more than a simple meal. It never was with Jesus. The table was the place where he fed people and also challenged them to acts of hospitality that reflect God’s ways. When we say “yes” to a place at Jesus’ table, we accept a way of life that embraces the great heavenly banquet. Using Jesus’ table scenes in Luke, we will celebrate the depth of communion to which we are called.

April 7

The Emmaus Table

Luke 24:28-35

One of the most popular sightings of the resurrected Christ happens around a table. In a scene intentionally described to parallel the Last Supper, it is during the breaking of the bread that Jesus is recognized. At the Communion Table we recognize and remember Jesus in such a way that we participate in his life, death, and resurrection. In sharing the meal of the Last Supper today as well as at other meals, let us open our eyes to the presence of Christ in our midst.

Food for Thought: In what ways have you recognized Jesus at your dining tables at home, in restaurants, in the fellowship hall, and in the sanctuary? Were you moved to tell someone else about it after? How has your heart been burning after an encounter with Jesus?

April 14

The Tax Collectors’ Tables

Luke 5:27-32; Luke 19:1-10

Jesus was accused of being a party animal since he ate with tax collectors and sinners. Two particular tax collectors were completely changed by an encounter with Jesus, Levi (later to be called Matthew) and Zacchaeus. As a result, they both hosted a meal with their honored guest, Jesus. Why was this such a scandal? What did these dinner parties signify? Sharing life and food together brings us into communion with one another and, in so doing, with God.

Food for Thought: Who do you invite over to eat at your house and why? What are some memories you have of great dinner parties? How might these tax collector parties change our own habits about who we invite to our tables?

April 21

The Pharisees’ Table

Luke 14:1-24

Although Jesus is accused of eating with tax collectors and sinners, he also ate numerous meals in the homes of Pharisees. In this extended table scene Jesus teaches multiple lessons to his host and others about compassion on the Sabbath, humility in choosing your seat, and who to send dinner invitations to. The parable he shares overturns all our expectations about who will eat in the Kingdom of God. At the table Jesus challenges the Pharisees…and us.

Food for Thought: How might we invite and feed the same people the host in the parable did? In this long passage, what is the verse that is most important to you and why? What is the significance of Jesus eating with both tax collectors AND Pharisees? What implications might that have in your life?

April 28

Jesus’ Table

Luke 22:24-30

The most famous table scene in Jesus’ ministry occurs on the last night he is with his disciples in an upper room. As they are gathered around a table Jesus teaches them a few final lessons about true greatness and a future table in his kingdom. Our most intimate and holy meals are a foretaste (pun intended) of the great heavenly banquet we will feast at one day. Until then perhaps our meals can bring about a little more of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Food for Thought: Why do you think Jesus talks about his kingdom in terms of a great banquet? When are other times in scripture that heaven is described as a banquet? What are the implications for us of Jesus saying that he is not the one at the table but the one who serves?

May 5

Youth Sunday

May 12

Simon’s Table

Luke 7:36-50

No this isn’t about Simon Peter, but Simon the Pharisee. His dinner party is interrupted
by a bold woman who goes to great lengths to demonstrate her thankfulness to Jesus. Eucharist means to give thanks which is the central theme of most table graces. Eating and thankfulness go together at a spiritual level, a relational level, and a physical level. Simon learns a great lesson from this unnamed woman: gratitude is the result of a forgiven heart.

Food for Thought: How do you connect eating with giving thanks? What have been some of your prayers before meals? In what way do you show your gratitude to God and others?

May 19

The Church’s Table

Acts 2:1-4, 14, 22-24, 37-38, 41-42

On this Pentecost Sunday, as we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we also witness the implications of the Spirit on those who believed: they joined in fellowship breaking bread together. Eating together has been an important part of the church from the very beginning. Meals build relationships, unity, and oneness within the church. The Holy Spirit is poured out on us when we gather around tables in the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, and in our homes. When we eat together we are fed by the Body of Christ to go out and be the Body of Christ in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Food for Thought: How is communion different around a table? What are ways you can go out to “be the Body of Christ”? When have been times you’ve experienced a meal bringing unity and oneness? Why do you think eating together has been a long standing practice in the church?