King's Grant Presbyterian

God created us and placed us on the earth
to be stewards of all living things,
therefore let us proclaim the glory of our Creator, saying:
O God, how wonderful are the works of your hands.

Blessed are you, O Lord of the Universe; you create the animals
and give us the ability to train them to help us in our work. 

Blessed are you, O Lord of the Universe;
you give us food from animals to replenish our energies. 

Blessed are you, O Lord of the Universe; for the sake of our comfort
you give us domestic animals as companions. 

Blessed are you, O Lord of the Universe; you care for us
even as you care for the birds of the air. 

Blessed are you, O Lord of the Universe;
you offered your Son to us as the passover lamb
and in him willed that we should be called your children. 

Join us as we embark on a 8 week journey to encounter Jesus using the first season of the series “The Chosen,” the first ever crowd-funded, multi-season series about the life of Christ and the unlikely people whose lives he turned upside down. You will be invited to watch each episode and join in a small group as we gain a broader understanding of the probable context and backstory of many biblical characters. Jesus chose each of them to follow him, and chooses YOU, too. “You Are Chosen” will bring many of the early stories about Jesus’ ministry to life as we relate them to our lives today. So come, sit at the feet of Jesus, watch him in his early ministry, and hear his invitation to you, “Come. Follow me.”