King's Grant Presbyterian

The Chosen

Join us as we embark on a 8-week journey to encounter Jesus using the series “The Chosen,” the first ever crowd-funded, multi-season series about the life of Christ and the unlikely people whose lives he turned upside down. Jesus chose each of them to follow him, and chooses YOU, too. “You Are Chosen” will bring many of the early stories about Jesus’ ministry to life as we relate them to our lives today. So come, sit at the feet of Jesus, watch him in his early ministry, and hear his invitation to you, “Come. Follow me.”

What is “The Chosen”

“The Chosen” is an amazing, quality television series television series about the life of Jesus from the perspective of his disciples. 

This sermon series will be looking at episodes from Season 1, drawing out moments that are found in scripture, and exploring how these biblical events help to shape us as Jesus’ disciples today. We will be using this free video resource along with biblical text and a study guide to dig into Jesus’ life and to learn more about what He did while He was here on Earth.

Please join us in-person, online, through a Life Group, or watch episodes directly on the Angel Studios site for free. 

Listen to the soundtrack of Season one via KGPC’s Spotify playlist:

Watch for free by clicking the link below!