King's Grant Presbyterian


Experience Living Generously

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Ways to Give

Offering Plate

Drop your financial gifts in the offering plate as it is passed around during our worship gathering.


Via PayPal app


Mail your check to

745 Little Neck Rd.
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Auto Bank Draft

This is set up to pay King’s Grant Presbyterian Church as you would the power company or other vendor through your bank.

“Pathways to Generosity” is an opportunity to discover the joy of growing in your relationship with God as you experience living generously.

Why move along the Giving Path?

It is God’s intention that we grow more generous and take bigger steps in our giving as we become more aware of how richly God has blessed us in Christ.

What is the Giving Path?

As we journey on the Pathways to Generosity, we are moving forward in our spiritual journey to be more like Christ. Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19

Steps along the Giving Path

First-time Giver

Begin to give

Intentional Giver

Plan what percentage of your income to give for a year

Growing Giver

Increasing the percentage of income towards a tithe


Begin to give a tithe (10% of income)

Extravagant Giver

 Give beyond the tithe (10+% of income)

Legacy Giver

Remembering KGPC in your will

Why talk about money?

Stewardship is directly linked to our journey of discipleship. How we use our resources is primarily a spiritual issue,not a financial one. The quality of that decision is determined by the spiritual

Jesus spoke openly about money and possessions. About two-thirds of the parables and almost one in every ten verses in the Gospels address this very issue. As followers of Jesus, we should not be reluctant to talk about giving as an outward expression of our love for Christ.

In stewardship campaigns, it can be tempting to approach the financial needs of the church as if we were simply funding the budget. In Pathways to Generosity, we acknowledge that living generously is an inseparable part of our following Christ. God does not need our money; rather, we need to give it as an act of gratitude and trust.

As we learn to trust God more and follow Christ’s teaching more faithfully, we learn to depend less on ourselves and more on God, relinquishing attitudes and habits that impede our relationship with God.

Galatians 5:22-23

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.