King's Grant Presbyterian

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calendar_today April 14, 2024
menu_book Luke

The Tax Collectors’ Tables

person Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco

Luke 5:27-32; Luke 19:1-10

Jesus was accused of being a party animal since he ate with tax collectors and sinners.
Two particular tax collectors were completely changed by an encounter with Jesus, Levi (later to
be called Matthew) and Zacchaeus. As a result, they both hosted a meal with their honored guest,
Jesus. Why was this such a scandal? What did these dinner parties signify? Sharing life and food
together brings us into communion with one another and, in so doing, with God.

Food for Thought: Who do you invite over to eat at your house and why? What are some
memories you have of great dinner parties? How might these tax collector parties change our
own habits about who we invite to our tables?