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Strengthen Your Spiritual Core, Winter Worship Series 2024
With the New Year comes New Year’s resolutions which often include getting more exercise. Any personal trainer will emphasize the importance of strengthening your core: the muscles in your abdomen and back. A strong core provides benefits to the entire body preventing injuries, reducing back pain, and improving balance, stability, and posture. The same is true for our spiritual core. Our spiritual core is those values that prevent us from sin, reduce pain in our lives, and improve our life’s balance, stability, and ability to stand straight and strong in the face of adversity. What are your spiritual core values? As a church, KGPC has 8 core values that provide the foundation of who we are and how we are called to live in this world. Our Winter Worship Series will explore these essential values so we might better understand who we are and where we are going as a church. Along the way, your spiritual core may be strengthened as well. Come join us as we work to strengthen our core in this new year.
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