Jesus’ Table
Luke 22:24-30
The most famous table scene in Jesus’ ministry occurs on the last night he is with his
disciples in an upper room. As they are gathered around a table Jesus teaches them a few final
lessons about true greatness and a future table in his kingdom. Our most intimate and holy meals
are a foretaste (pun intended) of the great heavenly banquet we will feast at one day. Until then
perhaps our meals can bring about a little more of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Food for Thought: Why do you think Jesus talks about his kingdom in terms of a great
banquet? When are other times in scripture that heaven is described as a banquet? What are the
implications for us of Jesus saying that he is not the one at the table but the one who serves?
Messages: 5

Simon’s Table

Jesus’ Table

The Pharisees’ Table

The Tax Collectors’ Tables