The Pharisees’ Table
Although Jesus is accused of eating with tax collectors and sinners, he also ate numerous
meals in the homes of Pharisees. In this extended table scene Jesus teaches multiple lessons to
his host and others about compassion on the Sabbath, humility in choosing your seat, and who to
send dinner invitations to. The parable he shares overturns all our expectations about who will
eat in the Kingdom of God. At the table Jesus challenges the Pharisees…and us.
Food for Thought: How might we invite and feed the same people the host in the parable
did? In this long passage, what is the verse that is most important to you and why? What is the
significance of Jesus eating with both tax collectors AND Pharisees? What implications might
that have in your life?
Messages: 5

Simon’s Table

Jesus’ Table

The Pharisees’ Table

The Tax Collectors’ Tables