Forgiven to Be Forgiving
Matthew 26:27-28; Matthew 18:21-35
We pray every week, “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” What does that mean? Is God’s forgiveness of us contingent upon our forgiveness of others? The Apostles’ Creed states we believe in the forgiveness of sins. Why is that important? How does it impact our life and the way we treat those who have wronged us? How often are we to forgive and why does Jesus ask us to forgive others seventy seven times? We will explore how we are forgiven, why we are forgiven, and the necessity for us to forgive others.
What Do You Say?: Sit down with a paper and pen or laptop. After a few moments of silence and deep breathing, start writing down what you believe about the forgiveness of sins. Write down the sins God has forgiven you for. Be as specific as possible. Reflect on what it cost Jesus to forgive your sins and write a prayer to him. Who in your life, living or dead, do you need to forgive? What are the obstacles keeping you from forgiveness? Release them to God in a time of prayer.
Messages: 6

Forgiven to Be Forgiving

What Happens When We Die?