Holy? Catholic? Church? Saints? 5/21/23
The church is a bunch of people who come together to worship God. But is it more than that? The Apostles’ Creed talks about a holy, catholic church. What does that mean? What exactly is the church and the communion of saints? No offense but there aren’t too many saints in our church. So why does the church exist, why do we need to be a part of it, and what is its purpose? How does that affect who we are and what we do at KGPC?
What Do You Say?: Sit down with a paper and pen or laptop. After a few moments of silence and deep breathing, start writing down what you believe about the Church. The Apostles’ Creed describes the church as holy and catholic and its members as saints. How would you describe the church? What is your understanding of a saint? Of holiness? Why do you belong to a church? What are the benefits and the drawbacks of the church?
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