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Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco

Praying Like Jesus, Lenten Worship Series 2024
Prayer is one of the foundational spiritual practices of Lent and our final KGPC core value. We know we should do it, but often it feels like an obligation rather than a joy. How can we renew our prayer life? By exploring both the prayers Jesus prayed in scripture and what he taught his followers about prayer. Prayer never begins with us, but with Jesus and the example he gave us as he prayed. When we shape our prayer life after his, we just might experience the renewal that we seek. This Lent let us learn to pray like Jesus.
Messages: 6

Prayers of Desperation

Prayers of Goodbye

Persistent Prayers

Lord, Teach Us to Pray