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Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Prayers of Goodbye
John 17:1-26 (selected verses)
John records several chapters of what Jesus said to his disciples the last night he was with them. The final chapter of that “final discourse” is a 26 verse prayer. What does he pray for? He
prays about his life and his work. He prays for his followers to be protected, to be given joy, to be united as one in him, and to have the Father’s love in them. Were Jesus’ prayers answered?
How might his prayer shape our communal life together?
Reflection Questions: If you were with your closest friends and family the night before you died, what would you pray for them? What does Jesus’ final prayer for his followers say about what he wants for us and from us?
Messages: 6

Prayers of Desperation

Prayers of Goodbye

Persistent Prayers

Lord, Teach Us to Pray