Bethlehem Walk

Follow the star to Bethlehem. Family-friendly event open to all and FREE of charge! Visit Bethlehem any time between: Friday, December 1st 6pm-8pm Saturday, December 2nd 4pm-7pm Sunday, December 3rd 2pm-5pm
Trunk or Treat

We will have: Holy Ghost Weenie Roast (a Youth Ministry Fundraiser) Balloon Artist Decorated Trunks for children to “Trunk or Treat” Please join us in this free, family-friendly, community event. All are welcome!
Brunch Church

Please join us in the Fellowship Hall for worship, communion, food, and fellowship. All are welcome!
Open Table Meeting

With a goal of helping to eradicate poverty in our community, KGPC invites you to become a member of one of our volunteer teams. The teams work with individuals and/or families for about a year making concentrated efforts to address their unmet needs. For more information, please contact us directly.