Unlikely Annunciations: Disruption and Invitation: 2024 Advent Worship Series
We have often heard of The Annunciation referring to the visit of the angel Gabriel’s to Mary. But both men in the Christmas story have annunciations as well. In this two-part series that bookends the Advent season, we will see how Zechariah and Joseph were also visited by angels who announced “their” child was to be born in impossible circumstances. Like Mary, their annunciation was both disruptive to their lives and an invitation to a new life. As we look at their stories, we might just find that annunciations still disrupt our lives today and invite us to something new.
December 1
Zechariah’s Annunciation
Luke 1:5-23, 57-63
As the scripture is woven throughout the sermon, the story of Zechariah will come alive. An elderly faithful priest receives the most surprising news ever: the son he had so longed for would finally be conceived, born, and become a central figure in God’s plan for salvation. Could it be? But how? His questions lead to another surprise that completely disrupts his life. Yet, after the whole ordeal, Zechariah’s first words are one of praise.
Reflection Questions: How often has God’s plan disrupted your life? Have you ever responded with questions or doubt? When have you praised God after or during a difficult time?
December 22
Joseph’s Annunciation
Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph’s annunciation occurs in a dream reassuring him that Mary’s story was true and to go ahead with the marriage. When he woke up, Joseph drastically changed his plans. Dreams have often been vehicles through which God speaks to people in scripture. What does this passage say about Joseph? What would you have done in this scenario?
Reflection Questions: Have you ever changed your plans after “hearing God’s voice” in some way? What dreams have you had that you believed were from God?
Messages: 2