Unlikely Annunciations: Disruption and Invitation: 2024 Advent Worship Series
We have often heard of The Annunciation referring to the visit of the angel Gabriel’s to Mary. But both men in the Christmas story have annunciations as well. In this two part series that bookends the Advent season, we will see how Zechariah and Joseph were also visited by angels who announced “their” child was to be born in impossible circumstances. Like Mary, their annunciation was both disruptive to their lives and an invitation to a new life. As we look at their stories, we might just find that annunciations still disrupt our lives today and invite us to something new.
December 1
Zechariah’s Annunciation
Luke 1:5-23, 57-63
As the scripture is woven throughout the sermon, the story of Zechariah will come alive. An elderly faithful priest receives the most surprising news ever: the son he had so longed for would finally be conceived, born, and become a central figure in God’s plan for salvation. Could it be? But how? His questions lead to another surprise that completely disrupts his life. Yet, after the whole ordeal, Zechariah’s first words are one of praise.
Reflection Questions: How often has God’s plan disrupted your life? Have you ever responded with questions or doubt? When have you praised God after or during a difficult time?
December 22
Joseph’s Annunciation
Matthew 1:18-25
Joseph’s annunciation occurs in a dream reassuring him that Mary’s story was true and to go ahead with the marriage. When he woke up, Joseph drastically changed his plans. Dreams have often been vehicles through which God speaks to people in scripture. What does this passage say about Joseph? What would you have done in this scenario?
Reflection Questions: Have you ever changed your plans after “hearing God’s voice” in some way? What dreams have you had that you believed were from God?
Based on the television series The Chosen: Seasons Two and Three
January 19
Sons of Thunder
Mark 3:17, Luke 9:51-56
Based on Season 2 Episode 1
The disciples were human…very human. When insults or ill feelings or disrespect are thrown at James and John they want revenge. Scripture says Jesus rebukes them. But what did he say to them? And what is the message for us when we feel the urge to get back at those who’ve hurt us?
January 26
Do You Want to Be Healed?
John 5:1-15
Based on Season 2 Episodes 4 and 5
After 38 years of not being able to walk, Jesus comes up to a man laying by the Pool of Siloam and asks him, “Do you want to be healed?” Why did Jesus ask that question? Wasn’t it obvious? What is hurting or broken in your life? How would your respond if Jesus asked you, “Do you want to be healed?”
February 2
Upsetting the Status Quo
Mark 2:23-28, Matthew 12:1-8, Luke 4:16-30
Based on Season 2 Episode 6 and Season 3 Episode 3
As Jesus lived a life of love and truth, he upset a lot of people. Breaking the laws of the Sabbath upset the religious leaders. Telling his hometown that he was the Messiah upset his former neighbors. When we follow in Jesus footsteps, there are times when our lives of love and service, compassion and truth may also upset some people.
February 9
The Big Sermon
Matthew 5-7 (selected verses)
Based on Season 2 Episode 8 and Season 3 Episode 1
A lot of preparation by both Jesus and his disciples is needed in order for the Sermon on the Mount to be delivered. Different parts of the sermon speak directly to each of his hearers. Which part of this big sermon hits home for you? What do you believe is the most important teaching right now for your life?
February 16
Twelve Years
Mark 5:21-43
Based on Season 3 Episodes 4 and 5
For twelve years a woman has been bleeding leaving her penniless and hopeless. For twelve years a girl has lived only to have her life cut short. Yet when great faith encounters Jesus healing surges out of him. Even death is no match for the power of faith in Jesus. Why are these two stories woven together? What do we learn about faith, healing, and Jesus himself?
February 23
A Missionary Journey Gone Awry
Matthew 10:1-15, Luke 14:15-34
Based on Season 3 Episodes 2 and 7
The disciples are flabbergasted when Jesus sends them out two by two to cast out demons, heal, and preach. Despite their doubts and numerous questions, they go on this short missionary journey to share the gospel message and power. When Philip and Andrew go to the Decapolis, they tell the Parable of the Banquet. Why did this parable cause so much trouble among the people? What do you think the parable means? How would you respond to the parable today?
March 2
Just in the Nick of Time
Matthew 14:13-34
Based on Season 3 Episode 8
Two of the most well-known biblical stories appear back to back in Matthew’s Gospel: the feeding of the 5,000 and Peter walking on water. Just when the outlook is impossible, when there is no way to feed that many people with their resources, or think that Peter, much less Jesus, could walk on water, Jesus provides in their hour of need. He comes to the rescue just in the nick of time. When has Jesus given us just what we need at the exact time we need it? Why do you think Jesus waits until the last minute to provide for us?
Messages: 2