October 6, 2024: (World Communion Sunday) Paul’s Final Years and Legacy: Called to Be Faithful
Acts 21:12-13, 19-24, 27-28; Acts 28:30-31; I Corinthians 9:20-22
In Paul’s final years, divisions continue to develop in the Jewish faith regarding the importance of the Law and Hebrew scriptures. When Jesus came to create a “new covenant in his blood,” how does that impact the authority of the old covenant? Finally, Paul is arrested, testifies, and travels to Rome during which he finds kindness in guards, native people, and Gentiles. After several years of ministering under house arrest, Paul is eventually executed in Rome. Paul did everything possible to share the Gospel with others and eventually gave his life for it. What are we willing to give up or do or change our lives for in order to share the Gospel with others?
Reflection Questions: Divisions still exist over how to interpret and live according to scripture. What is your understanding of the relationship between law and gospel? What are you willing to do or be in order to share Jesus with others? Are you ready to give up your own comfort for your faith as willingly as Paul was?
Messages: 4