Haggai: Priorities and Perseverance
Haggai 1:1-9; 2:3-7
There was a lot of work to be done after the people of God returned from exile. They went to work building their houses and sowing their crops. But life was hard. Why? They had neglected to build God’s temple. They had prioritized their own comfort over allegiance to God. When have been times we have done that: prioritizing our needs over the church or God’s work in this world? A faithful few repented of their ways and started to rebuild the temple, but they got discouraged. It didn’t look anything like the splendor of Solomon’s former temple. God reassured them that their work and obedience would pay off. Have there been times when you wondered if your faithfulness was worthwhile or making a difference? What has been God’s message to you in those times?
Messages: 6