Bethlehem Walk

Follow the star to Bethlehem. Family-friendly event open to all and FREE of charge! Visit Bethlehem any time between: Friday, December 1st 6pm-8pm Saturday, December 2nd 4pm-7pm Sunday, December 3rd 2pm-5pm
Cultivating a Fruit Full Life in the Spirit

Cultivating a Fruit Full Life in the Spirit Now that Pentecost has come and gone, what difference does the Holy Spirit make in our lives? What kind of person are you striving to be? For those who are followers of Jesus, the answer is the same today as it was for Paul’s original audience in […]
Good Enough: Imbracing the Imperfectons of Life and Fiath, 2023 Lenten Worship Series

We live in a culture bent on definitions of a good life as continuous upward mobility–climbing ladders of success with increasingly fabulous experiences that we can post to ever-more-likable social media accounts. Perfection is a multi-million dollar industry sold to us in self-help sections, prosperity gospel preachers, pills, products, and infomercials. But life happens, right? […]
Resurrection Party

Join us Easter Sunday for Easter Storytelling and activities to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.