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Rev. Dr. Chris Carrasco
Palm/Passion Sunday: Who Are Your Cloke-Throwers?
Jesus orchestrated a parade into a city where he knew his days were numbered. “Get me a colt,” he directed. A crowd gathered and his friends started some loud chanting of encouragement that ticked off the religious leaders. When life is hard, we all need friends, sometimes big, loud, praying ones that will not be messed with. We are created for interdependence. We are not an island. All our pretending that we are “perfectly fine” on our own just won’t work. Get on the donkey when you need to and let people lay down their cloaks for you and make some noise of encouragement. You know you’ll do it for them when they mount their donkeys.
A Good Enough Step: When was the last time you said, “I’m fine. It’s fine” when you weren’t and it wasn’t? Who are your greatest cheerleaders? Are you able to ask for their help or encouragement when you need it? How can you lay down your cloak for others?
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