The Temptashun of More
Luke 4:1-13
How much is enough? We crave more. More achievements, more honors, more praise, more money, more security, more once-in-a-lifetime moments (ironically), more joy, more love, more peace, more hope, more positivity. We find ourselves hungry for more of what we believe will bring us more satisfaction. The devil lays a bet that Jesus will jump at the chance for glory, fame, and the quick fix. Who wouldn’t? What are the temptations of more that catch you ear, singing out promises that your life should be more than it is? What if our lives are already good enough? What if ordinary life is already enough just as it is?
A Good Enough Step: List your temptations of what you think you need more of to make your live “better.” As you reflect on your life’s choices, what is the most beautiful thing you can say about your life? Where is God in your ordinary, mediocre life?
Messages: 6