God Is Good…All the Time!
Psalms 145:8-9; Mark 10:17-18; Luke 6:43-45
When Jesus is called a good teacher, he is quick to respond, “No one is good but God alone.” As Christians we have tasted the goodness of God. Now the Spirit longs to produce good fruit through us as we engage in good works. In Greek, Goodness and Generosity are the exact same word. When we are generous is meeting people’s needs, we are sharing the fruit of goodness. But this fruit only comes from a good heart. Goodness begins within.
]Reflection Questions: How would you describe the differences and similarities between goodness and generosity? Have you experienced the goodness of God ALL the time, even in hardship? How will you intentionally cultivate good things to flow from your good heart? What are some good works that you can do this week?
Messages: 9