Well Done, Good and FAITHFUL Servant
Psalm 89:1-8; James 2:14-18, 26; Matthew 25:19-23
While faith is a belief in God, faithfulness is that faith lived out. When James mentions faith without works is dead, we could substitute faithfulness for works. Faithfulness goes by many other names: integrity, trustworthy, dependable, loyal. This fruit of the Spirit applies not only to our faithfulness to God but also in our relationships, workplaces, and life in general. Servants of God are faithful when they invest their gifts, talents, and lives for God’s Kingdom. As with the other fruits, our ability to be faithful is rooted in God’s steadfast faithfulness to us.
Reflection Questions: What is the difference and the connection between faith and faithfulness? Which of the servants do you identify with and why? When have been times you have known God’s faithfulness? What are the “talents” God is asking you to invest in this world?
Messages: 9